Thursday, February 28, 2008

Before And After

I wanted to share some of the changes we found with pencil and paper skills after removing additives from Nathan's diet. Prior to changing his diet he had trouble staying in the lines while coloring and he rushed through everything. Before his pictures were hard coloring scribble in one direction, then After he actually started coloring in multiple directions to go with the picture and didn't press as hard. His attention span got better and I think that can be seen in the pictures. Just sharing so now Nathan is published, he'll love it.

Before Removing Additives Coloring Pictures:

After Removing Additives Coloring Pictures:

Back On Additives w/Antiobiotics Coloring Examples:

1 comment:

Kathy said...

so glad you are seeing such great results! the pictures were almost eerie for me. We use those same worksheets! And my target son is nathanael!