Friday, April 18, 2008

Curing Autism...Is it Possible

All you have to do is type in Autism in a search and you'll get into the controversy of vaccinations causing Autism. You will also find information on ways to cure autism and disorders on the spectrum. Right now Jenny McCarthy is getting the message out with her recent success of working threw her son's autism; here's a link to the CNN story below. There were many others before her that did this same work as well, you can also search on Lisa Lewis, Pamela Scott, Karyn Seroussi, and Amy Lansy to learn more. Perhaps now that with the latest cases against vaccinations and the publicity with McCarthy and Carrey it will help many others in their fight against autism.

When Nathan was 2 and didn't speak, we had concerns of autism; then when Jenna seemed to have social issues, we thought Asperger's. I found some very helpful yahoo groups, one of which is called ADHD Drugfree, they have a very resourceful group who are well versed in natural cures and alternatives. Changing diet, removing additives is just one of the ways to start. You'll want to work with the help of DAN doctor, just search for DAN Dr's. DAN stands for Defeat Autism Now.

If you looking for cures and answers they are out there, it's allot of work, and research, but could be well worth every bit of it. Just make sure you work with a Dr and look into everything before you just try something.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It's Not Just The Food To Watch

If your like me you started by reading labels, removing all colors you could find, like the red and yellow dies or anything that read FD&C# on the boxes. You stopped using nutrasweet and the bad sugars, then you found the other nasties on the boxes like BHA, BHT, and TBHQ.

But did you know you had to watch your prescription and over the counter medicines? Children's medicines are loaded with artificial colors and flavorings. They put it in there to make it taste better so kids will like it, but in the meantime if you have a child who reacts they could be double trouble during when taking the medicines. Even if your child doesn't have a major reaction to the artificial flavors, once you learn how bad they really are you may have a hard time giving them to your children. There are other options, you can get dye free suspensions made by a compounding pharmacy and flavor them yourself. Many of the same medicines in pill form, even generic are color free. But unfortunately not all prescription meds or over the counter meds can be found color free as they are purposely colored to be able to tell the difference at the pharmacy. Work with your Dr and pharmacy to figure out what is the best for you and your child, just know there are other options. It may take some work tracking them down, but well worth it if you need to remove the bad stuff from your diet.